Hi there!
Are you controlling your emotional and mental state, or are your emotions and feelings controlling you?
Ask, is this emotion/ feeling telling me I am on the right path? What do I need to experience true freedom and abundance in all areas of life?
You have the power to change how you are feeling. Your body, mind, and spirit are always trying to maintain harmony.
Think about Helen Keller (deaf, blind to a speaker), Thomas Edison ( No, I did not fail.”), Dr. Wayne Dyer (foster care to world-renowned spiritual teacher), Louise Hay, and Martin Luther King (legacy living on).
Your body, mind, and spirit are not out to get you. Instead, they are here to help you achieve your divine purpose.
Transform your thoughts to bring out the best in you — -one capable of fulfilling your divine purpose.
See beyond the tests of your faith and move in the direction of the Voice of Your Purpose!
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As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!
Link for Notes on Life