Notes on Life: Sharing my Thoughts with You

Timika S Chambers, Writer/Coach
2 min readApr 7, 2022

Hi there!

I hope your Thursday is off to a healthy start. So, I have a question with several parts that came to me today. Do you see age, color, culture, history, and physical shapes as limitations or different representations of nature and evolving consciousness?

  1. Do you house a spirit that joins all of nature together?
  2. Do all differences (in humanity) play a critical role in building character in all of us and bringing out the highest form of ourselves?
  3. Are you living in your highest state when you focus on the different representations of consciousness instead of being curious about its expression in another human being?
  4. Do you see another’s gifts, talents, and experiences as a threat to your livelihood?
  5. Do you believe that people are evil or that they’ve lost their way in the dark wilderness of pain?

Whatever the answers are to the above questions, we live out in our lives.

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