Member-only story
See The Distractions For What They Are

We interact with many people during our lifetime. Some walk alongside us, leading us to greater clarity, conviction, determination, and perseverance to achieve what we believe is possible. Some work with us, extending the vision that there is enough for all. All life has a divine purpose. We work together to make this world a better place. We hold unto the mustard seed of faith (KJV, Mathew 17:20), despite those who doubt us. We stand out from the crowd, avoiding “fitting in” because deep down inside, we know we already belong to something greater than the world. Our birth justifies our magnificence presence on this earth. We are not what others say about us or what they do to us. We are who we say we are. We are not our experiences, and we avoid labeling the moments in our lives that awaken us. Instead, we see our experiences as the catapults to unveil our true nature.
We move forward despite what others say about us. We know that if they remembered who they are, they too would walk the path of greater resistance. We may experience a few blows and knockouts, but we rise again all because we know we can. We do not succumb to our emotions, feelings, and pain. Instead, we use them to direct our paths and help others find their way. We do not have to fit the mold, but stand as the co-Creator to create masterpieces. We know that our work is not in vain, for everything is used to…