The Seeds We Plant Series #19: Caring
2 min readSep 13, 2023
Hi there!
Caring is an innate virtue we have. We don’t need to go to school for it. We can provide examples of caring every day to our children. We can teach our children that when you care, you:
- Help others instead of opposing them or stand in their way of accomplishing goals. You don’t intentionally make things hard for others but try to lighten their load, such as opening the door for someone with a heavy load.
- Respect others’ personal space. You address people by their birth or requested name. You keep your hands to yourself. You don’t punish others for not being who you want them to be.
- You are honest. You speak the truth and admit if you are wrong.
- You do your best with assignments and the work you do for others.
- You don’t ask others to do the wrong thing. Instead, you show them how to do the right thing.
The more we model caring behaviors to our children, the more our children will model caring behaviors in their environment and become part of the generational cycle of love.
Listen to The Seeds We Plant Series #19: Caring on Create A Generational Love Cycle.
As always, make this lifetime great because you still can!