Member-only story
What’s Really Going On?

Hi there!
As December comes to an end, will you set a New Year’s resolution or your navigation to a way of life? What are you holding on to that you need to keep self-medicating yourself? As you know, that which does not belong in you will keep rising to the top (nightmares, daymares, anxiety/panic attacks, overeating, undereating, overactivity, and others).
In other words, what’s really going on? In the video, I share what forgiveness means to me and how it may be just what you need to move forward in 2022. I also share two of my scariest moments this year and how I believe a cleaner heart and faith played a role in guiding and protecting our family.
New year’s resolutions often involve losing weight, increasing muscle mass, healthier eating, and diets. Still, if the underlying issues aren’t addressed, a healthy life won’t be sustainable without consistent tweaks to restrictions, often food. Food isn’t the culprit. Our mindset plays a critical role in taking care of our bodies, minds, and spirit. Set your life’s navigation to a way of living instead of a new year goal or resolution.
Make this lifetime great! You still can!
From my heart to yours
Timika Chambers