Your Birthrights

Timika S Chambers, Writer/Coach
2 min readJun 29, 2021

On occasion, I’ve seen Cam scan future readings after our daily devotion. Today, he asked me the definition of a word not in today’s reading. He asked, “what does birthright mean.” After confirming the word he was asking about, I replied, “something that is automatically yours.” Next, in a mumbled voice, he asked, “what else is my birthright?” As my mind searched for more answers, I said joy, knowledge, and wisdom. Then, I added free from anger (long-suffering anger).

I felt clarity and excitement rising within me because I knew God brought on the conversation. Several years ago, I wrote a post about how thankful I was for the opportunity to raise a boy into a respectful, God-loving man.

(side note: I just thought about how God provides win-win experiences. Not only am I using today’s breakfast and devotion conversation to post my daily notes on life, but I was reminded of the wonderful opportunity I have to raise a son who honors and respects life).

There was a point in my life when I was afraid to have children because of all the violence I kept hearing and seeing in the world, but then I exchanged fear for courage. I know what it’s like to feel disrespected, so I hungered for the chance to deposit something in the world, making it a better place. Yet, I aim to parent with balance, letting our children exercise their free will.

